How To Make A Personal Injury Claim

6 minutes, 13 seconds

Making a Personal Injury Claim & Funding Options with Gareth Naylor, Head of Personal Injury

Our Head of Personal Injury, Gareth Naylor, advises on how to make a personal injury claim. In this video he answers the following frequently asked questions:

  • I have been injured in an accident, can I claim?
  • How long will my claim take to process?
  • How long do I have to make a claim?
  • Somebody I know has died in an accident. Can I claim?
  • How many are there in the Ison Harrison personal injury team?
  • Are home visits available?
  • I have not seen my GP. Can I still claim?
  • Nobody witnessed my accident. May I still claim?
  • Can my doctor provide a report?
  • What are the funding options?

For more information on making a personal injury claim, please email Gareth or call 0113 284 5014.