If you have suffered injury and loss because of a dog bite, we can help you claim compensation and on a no win – no fee basis.
You may have sustained injury and loss when:
- making a delivery as part of your job
- at your place of work
- in a public place such as a pub, park, or on the street
No matter the location or the circumstances, all dog owners are under a responsibility to ensure that their animal is always under control.
Bringing a successful compensation claim for a dog bite
The most important aspect of any claim is having an insured third party against whom the claim can be brought. This will usually be the dog owner as an individual, but it could be company if, for instance, the dog was used for security purposes, or under the control of a professional dogwalker at the time of the incident.
If you are not able to obtain the dog owners details at the time of the attack you may be able to obtain assistance from the police who can review CCTV etc. If the owner cannot be traced, then no claim can be brought.
If the animal was deliberately set upon and used as a weapon, then subject to compliance with their requirements you may be able to claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority.
In addition to being able to identify the owner, the owner needs to have insurance to cover any claim against them. This will be in the form of pet insurance or third-party liability cover under their household insurance. Most pet, and household policies have such cover as standard. If there is no insurance, you may struggle to recover compensation.
Bringing your dog bite claim
You have three years from the incident date to issue proceedings in support of your claim, or if the injured party is a child, from their 18th birthday
To succeed with your dog bite claim you will need to show that the animal was not under adequate control (the fact that the incident occurred is usually evidence of such) and that you have suffered injury because of the attack.
What can you claim for your dog bite claim?
In addition to compensation for your physical injuries you can claim for any mental trauma caused by the attack.
If the injury has led to an absence from work, we would look to recover your lost income as well as treatment costs, damaged clothing and all other expenses and losses resulting from the incident.
Start to your claim today
Here at Ison Harrison we have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve, and we can do so on a no win-no fee basis. This means that if your claim is not successful you do not pay for the work we have done.
To see how we can help you, get in touch today:
Call 0113 224 7804
Email Mike Massen at mike.massen@isonharrison.co.uk