Never Events Solicitors

Preventable incidents during hospital treatment are called ‘never events’, in other words events that should never happen. Unfortunately they do and the NHS is hoping new transparency will reduced the number of incidents by insisting each NHS Trust publish details every three months about their never events.

If you have suffered from an injury from any other the never event types listed below you may be able to claim medical negligence.

Types of never events include:

  1. wrong site surgery
  2. wrong implant/prosthesis
  3. retained foreign object post-operation
  4. wrongly prepared high-risk injectable medication
  5. maladministration of potassium-containing solutions
  6. wrong route administration of chemotherapy
  7. wrong route administration of oral/enteral treatment
  8. intravenous administration of epidural medication
  9. maladministration of Insulin
  10. overdose of midazolam during conscious sedation
  11. opioid overdose of an opioid-naive patient
  12. inappropriate administration of daily oral methotrexate
  13. suicide using non-collapsible rails
  14. escape of a transferred prisoner
  15. falls from unrestricted windows
  16. entrapment in bedrails
  17. transfusion of ABO-incompatible blood components
  18. transplantation of ABO-incompatible organs as a result of error
  19. misplaced naso- or oro-gastric tubes
  20. wrong gas administered
  21. failure to monitor and respond to oxygen saturation
  22. air embolism
  23. misidentification of patients
  24. severe scalding of patients
  25. maternal death due to post partum haemorrhage after elective Caesarean section.

If you have been affected by any of the never events listed above you can contact our team on 0113 284 5000 or for further information and free advice.