We believe that the diversity of our workforce is one of our greatest assets, and that it is only by offering equality of opportunity that we can achieve the goals we set ourselves in the provision of legal services to our clients.
The firm does and will not accept less favourable treatment of anyone on the grounds of race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, marital status, religion, or sexual orientation. We provide equal access to training and development thus ensuring that everyone can participate fully in the firm.
We commit to recruit and retain a workforce that reflects the diverse communities that we come from and service as client, and to take action to eradicate discrimination and inequality in all of its forms in the carrying out of our work. To do this we remain open to ideas and suggestions designed to improve our service to our clients and our workplace practices. This helps us to ensure that our internal and external policy and systems of working reflect and incorporate equality objectives and targets.
Every two years we collate and publish data on the diversity of our workforce. The below data is from July 2023…
Ison Harrison Diversity Statistics
16-24 = 11.67% |
25-34 = 37.06% |
35-44 = 16.75% |
45-54 = 18.78% |
55-64 = 12.69% |
65+ = 2.54% |
Prefer not to say = 0.51% |
Male = 24.87% |
Female = 74.62% |
Prefer not to say = 0.51% |
Yes = 98.98% |
No = 1.02% |
Yes = 4.57% |
No = 92.89% |
Prefer not to say = 2.54% |
Yes, limited a lot = 1.02% |
Yes, limited a little = 7.11% |
No = 88.83% |
Prefer not to say = 3.05%% |
Bangladeshi = 0.51% |
Indian = 2.54% |
Pakistani = 3.05% |
African = 1.52% |
Caribbean = 1.02% |
Any other Black background = 0.51% |
White and Asian = 0.51% |
White and Black Caribbean = 3.05% |
Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic background = 0.51% |
British/English/Welsh/Northern Irish/Scottish = 83% |
Any other White background = 3.05% |
Arab = 0.51% |
No religion or belief = 55.33% |
Christian = 32.49% |
Hindu = 0.51% |
Jewish = 0.51% |
Muslim = 5.58% |
Sikh = 1.02% |
Any other religion or belief = 1.02% |
Prefer not to say = 3.55% |
Bi = 2.03% |
Gay / Lesbian = 2.54% |
Hetrosexual = 91.87% |
Other preferred description = 2.54% |
Prefer not to say = 1.02% |
State-run or state-funded school (selective on academic, faith or other grounds) = 21.32% |
State-run or state-funded school (non-selective) = 69.54% |
Independent / fee-paying school = 4.57% |
Independent / fee-paying school where I received a bursary covering 90% or more of my tuition = 0.51% |
Attended school outside the UK = 1.02% |
Don’t know / not sure = 1.52% |
Prefer not to say = 1.52% |
No, neither of my parents attended university = 67.52% |
Yes, one or both of my parents attended university = 27.41% |
Don’t know / not sure = 3.55% |
Prefer not to say = 1.52% |
Yes = 27.41% |
No = 72.08% |
Prefer not to say = 0.51% |
No = 91.88% |
Yes, 1 – 19 hours a week = 6.09% |
Yes, 50 or more hours a week = 0.51% |
Prefer not to say = 1.52% |