Like all businesses, solicitors must deliver the highest standards to keep consumers satisfied. It is common for dissatisfied clients to change solicitors and look elsewhere; which you are entitled to do so.

Clients change their solicitor for a multitude of reasons:

  • Lack of communication
  • Solicitor not following instruction
  • You are being dealt with by a different solicitor each time you contact the firm
  • Solicitor is not getting you treatment for your injuries sustained
  • Solicitor not acting professionally
  • You are not satisfied with the level of service or the advice being given

Simon Helliwell in our personal injury market has recently taken over a number of cases from clients who have been dissatisfied with their solicitors or from firms who have left the personal injury market (an increasing trend).

Simon successfully settled such a case within a mere 5 months of transfer for an amount which was in excess as was reasonably expected.

Simon is grateful for the kind words from his client:

To Simon, thank you for all your help with my case. When I was transferred across to you I thought it was going to be at the detriment of my case- I was wrong. You have turned my case around and I am truly thankful. Many thanks

If you are dissatisfied with your present Solicitor, or your Solicitor has ceased trading in personal injury, please contact Mr Simon Helliwell in our Personal Injury department for more information regarding transferring your file.

Call 0113 284 5048 or alternatively email

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