A BBC article today reveals that the deaths of at least 56 babies and two mothers at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust over the past five years may have been preventable. The investigation found that these deaths occurred at the trust’s two maternity units, Leeds General Infirmary and St James’s University Hospital, which are rated “good” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). However, two whistleblowers have raised concerns about the safety and care standards at these units.

The concerns over care at Leeds Teaching Hospitals has undoubtedly stirred a profound sense of sorrow and concern within our community.

The Concerns

The article highlights that Leeds has the highest neonatal mortality rate in the UK, with a rate of 4.46 per 1,000 live births in 2022, which is 70% higher than the average rate for comparable NHS trusts.

Families who have lost their babies at these hospitals have expressed concerns about the trust’s response to these deaths, alleging a culture of negligence and a lack of empathy from hospital staff. They are calling for a comprehensive, independent review of the trust’s practices to ensure that critical lessons are learned.

The BBC’s investigation found that upon analysing data from the Trust from January 2019 to July 2024, it revealed at least 56 babies died in circumstances that a trust-led review group concluded may have been avoidable. These deaths included 27 stillbirths and 29 neonatal deaths, occurring within 28 days of birth. Each case reviewed by the trust identified potential issues with the care provided, although the trust emphasised that the vast majority of births were safe and maternal and baby deaths remained rare.

The Role of Clinical Negligence Solicitors

In times of such profound distress, it is essential to have guidance and support from professionals who understand the complexities of clinical negligence claims. Our award winning team at Ison Harrison is dedicated to advocating for the rights of patients and their families, ensuring that their voices are heard, and justice is pursued.

How We Can Help

Our approach is rooted in empathy, expertise, and a relentless commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients. Here is how we can help:

• Thorough Investigation: We meticulously investigate each case to uncover the truth behind the incidents, working with medical experts to understand the nuances of the care provided.
• Legal Guidance: Navigating the legal landscape can be daunting, especially during such an emotional time. Our solicitors offer clear, compassionate advice to help families understand their options and the steps involved in pursuing a claim.
• Advocacy and Representation: We are dedicated to representing our clients’ interests, whether through negotiation or in court, striving to secure fair compensation, accountability from those responsible and striving to ensure lessons are learned to avoid other families having to suffer in the future.
• Emotional Support: Beyond the legal aspects, we recognise the emotional toll such tragedies take. Our team is here to provide a supportive presence, connecting families with additional resources and support networks.

Moving Forward Together

The road ahead may be challenging, but it is not one that has to be walked alone. At Ison Harrison Solicitors, we believe in the power of community and the importance of standing together in the face of adversity. Our Clinical Negligence Team is committed to being a pillar of support for those who may have been affected by the concerns raised about Leeds Teaching Hospitals, working tirelessly to bring clarity, justice, and peace of mind to the families involved.

If you or someone you know have concerns about the medical care received which has resulted in injury, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can navigate these distressing times and strive for a better, more accountable healthcare system.

For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact our Clinical Negligence Team at Ison Harrison Solicitors today for expert advice on 0113 284 5000 or email clinneg@isonharrison.co.uk


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